Start your Writing Journey

Like everything else in life, the creativity to write has to start somewhere.  It might come easy for some, but for most of us,  it requires a lot of reading (I mean A LOT), and the habit of writing...

Some authors have a certain daily writing routine while others don't even write every day.  Finding what works to get your juices flowing will come with discipline and time.

As much as I love doing Book Reviews, my other favorite blog post is when I get to interview authors, because I love to ask them what kind of magical potion they drink to create that great plot.  I have not figured out the correct formula, but in the meantime, I did find some VERY helpful sites, which I keep returning to.

Save this list by your desk, and whenever you find yourself falling into the rabbit hole called writer's block, visit one of these sites.

 Good Luck on your Writing Journey!

Writer's Digest -  You don't have to subscribe to their magazine in order to access all the resources they have on the site, including weekly writing prompts, contests and competitions, conference listings, and online exclusive articles.

Tomi Adeyemi For Writers -  Yes, that's the author of Children of Blood and Bone.
Tomi's site has free writing classes and writing resources, and who wouldn't want writing advice from the young lady that is making waves all over the world?  - WTD has "unmissable articles on writing".  It's easy to browse this site and forget about everything else that needs to be done (like feed the dog, cook dinner, pick up the kid from soccer)...

Writers Write - I just love their Creative Writing Articles, Tips and Online Courses!  Full of helpful information.  Don't forget to check out their 12 Short Stories Challenge

Write it Sideways - A collection of 390+ articles for aspiring and emerging writers, written by those who have gone before.  - "write more. write better. write smarter."
How can you not like a site with these lines?  It's got classes, articles, writing resources and even a podcast.  If you haven't visited this site yet, you're missing out.

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”
—Ernest Hemingway


  1. Thanks Bexa! I was actually making a list for myself when I decided to do the blogpost and share it with everyone :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing these resources. I didn't know about any besides the first one!

  3. Great post! Thanks for sharing these resources.

  4. good info to have - thanx for the post

  5. I love to read and would love to write one day, I know I should probably just start now so I can develop a flow. I just haven't discovered my narrative just yet. But, these are great resources!

    1. You're already writing on your blog, now you can just venture out to different writing paths :-)

  6. Tomi Adeyemi For Writers is new to me (Will be checking it out now though 😉). I do know, and visit regularly the others. Excellent sites for writers.

  7. This is a really useful list, thanks for compiling it! And I think trying unsuccessfully to write a novel makes me more appreciative of the books I review. Because, even if I don't like one much, at least that author finished a book! That's a pretty damn big achievement in and of itself :-)

    1. I totally agree with you! Just the act of publishing your work and putting yourself out there (to the wolves really) deserves a lot of respect and admiration!

  8. Thanks a bunch for compiling this list. Will surely check them out

  9. Thanks, I am gonna share this list with my readers as well.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  10. Great post and links to wonderful writing resources as well, thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.
