Hi Everyone!
Summer is almost over and to put some FUN in September, I have teamed up with Manon from CafeManon to bring you a Bookish Social Media challenge!
We created a list with 30 prompts and we would love to see you join us for some bookish fun!
Want to read more about our #BookishLoveSept18 challenges?
Join Us! And don't forget to tell all your Book Lover friends!
You can participate in the #BookishLoveSept18 challenges any way you like. Take a picture and post it on Instagram, film a video for you BookTube, write a tweet about the prompt or even write a whole blogpost about it! We would love to see your take on the challenges.
Use the hashtag #BookishLoveSept18 and tag us;
Instagram: @mpmarquesus & @Cafe_Manon
Twitter: @TdySimpleLife & @Cafe_Manon
1 - Introduction
Introduce yourself. Tell us a bit about who you are, what you like to do, what book you like to read.. Anything you want to share.
Introduce yourself. Tell us a bit about who you are, what you like to do, what book you like to read.. Anything you want to share.
2 - September #TBR
Share the books you plan to read in September.
3 - Favorite series
What is your favorite series?
4 - #BookmarkLove
Show off your bookmarks, take a picture of your current bookmark or tell us about the craziest item you’ve used as a bookmark.
5 - The last book you’ve received as a gift or given away
September 5 is the International Day of Charity! Share a book you’ve received as a gift or a book you’ve given away.
6 - What are you reading today?
September 6 is Read a Book Day! This day invites us all to grab a book and spend the day reading. Share what book you’re reading today.
7 - Favorite fictional world
Would you like to live in Wonderland or would you rather spend some time at Hogwarts? Share your favorite fictional world.
8 - #LibraryLove
September 8 is International Literacy Day. Take a picture of a library book or write something about your local library.
9 - #SockSunday
Picture time! Socks and book. Or bookish socks.
10 - Share an inspirational quote
September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day. Share an inspirational quote or a book about mental health.
11 - Heroes or Villains?
Do you like heroes? Or do you adore villains? Protagonists or antagonists? Who is your favorite hero or villain?
12 - Shelfie
Take a picture of your book shelf !
13 - A horror/scary book
Thursday the 13th! Share a horror story or a scary book.
14 - Go WILD!
Share something crazy, let it loose, no rules..
15 - Must read book
A book you would recommend to everybody.
16 - #SundayFunday
Share a funny book, a funny bookish story, a fun picture.. Have fun!
17 - #MapMonday
A picture of a book with a map of a fictional world.
18 - Your reading spot
Where do you like to read?
19 - One word title
A book with a short one word title.
20 - Hardback or paperback?
Do you like hardbacks of paperbacks? Do you own more hardbacks or paperbacks?
21 - Share 3 things you are grateful for
September 21 is World Gratitude Day. To celebrate, share 3 things you are grateful for!
22 - It’s Octoberfest! Share a favorite food or drink!
Octoberfest begins in Germany. Share your favorite food or drink!
23 - Fall reads & Book covers with autumn colors
September 23 is the first day of Fall. Share a book set in autumn or a book cover with autumn colors.
24 - Fall playlist
Start the week with some music. What music do you like to listen to today? What music makes you think about fall? Do you listen to music while reading?
25 - Book & hot drink
A picture of a book and a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate.
26 - e-book or audiobook
Do you like to read e-books or listen to audiobooks?
27 - Book set in another country or written by an author from another country
September 27 is World Tourism Day. Share a book set in a different country or a book written by an international author.
28 - #FlashbackFriday
What books did you like to read when you were younger? What books did you read last month? What book did you most recently give a 5-star rating? Look back at your reading list and share something for #FlashbackFriday.
29 - September Haul
The books you’ve bought or received in September.
30 - September Wrap-up
The books you’ve read in September.
That's it!
What do you have cooking for October?